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Archive for 2012

Interior Concrete Sealant: A Choice Worth Considering

Interior Concrete Sealants & The Pallet of Choice They Bring

Interior concrete sealants protect this interior office concrete from daily wear and tear.Interior sealants for concrete add beauty and character to this low rising steps.

Often it is discussed online why have an interior concrete sealant? To some it makes sense to have an exterior concrete sealant, after all one wishes to protect concrete from the salts that a concrete area will get during the winter, but why protect concrete from anything on the interior? First consider the spills that concrete is subjected to such as dirty water, rusty water, oil spills and the like. Dirty water coming from just simple cleaning infiltrates through concrete so that eventually the concrete has a terrible odor emanating from it. It also stains concrete so that it becomes appallingly unattractive.

Another reason of course why one would use an interior concrete sealant would be to enhance the concrete floor, for today the colors and the shine that they can give concrete stagger even interior decorators with the complexities of choices available. Preserving the concrete is of course important but all concrete goes through a natural weathering process even when it is interior concrete. Thus an interior concrete sealant can stop concrete from looking pitted, and stop it from making concrete dust. Even inside a structure, concrete can go through spalling. This causes larger chunks of concrete to fall off and poor curing ordinarily causes it. It is unsightly and of course it’s also dangerous as it frequently causes falls.

The very best interior concrete sealant there is is Silikal. First of all it is USDA approved flooring, and that’s because it protects your floors from algae growth, bacteria, fungus and mold. Silikal flooring fits the demands of chemical processing plants all the way to food preparation locales. Silikal floors can be found in beverage processing, dairies, commercial kitchens, restaurants, and even businesses that make drugs for both humans and veterinary needs. That is because those floors are non-skid, easily maintained, and anti microbial as well as being able to withstand any heavy traffic, even forklifts!

Imagine a floor that is thermal shock resistant? That’s correct; Silikal can even be utilized in the freezers and cooler floors of those businesses. It is because Silikal is completely non-porous that it is a wholly seamless flooring surface thus water borne pests, dirt and bacteria simply cannot attach to the floor. In addition, one of the most important factors with regard to Silikal is that once it is laid in your particular facility, any work can be begun within one hour. That means that no business, no matter what, will need to close down for the lengthy time other floors take to set up, sometimes even as long as 72 hours!


Floor Coverings for Hallways: Endurance Where it Counts

Floor Coverings for Hallways Never Looked Better

Long hallway displays neatly with new floor coverings playing off the over all design.A new hallway floor covering system wraps around an interior flight of steps leading both up and down.

Floor coverings for hallways present a unique problem. If it is a long hallway broken only by one door after the other and the floor coverings in each room will differ from the hallways, then the hallways can be covered in just about anything, as the space is broken by the doors. However, hallways that give onto other rooms, should in theory at least, all be covered with the same floor coverings for hallways.

Some hallways are actually the visual thread that will connect an entire building or office together. In that case, floor coverings should either be the same or at least complimentary to the main rooms that the hallway connects. Texture and color should be about the same as well.

You will also need to decide if you wish to speed your guests along those corridors, or if on the other hand, you wish to utilize subtle patterns as well as colors to create eye catching image highlights that will actually encourage your visitors to stop. Then they can admire your mementos of your corporation perhaps, or look at the photographs and pictures that tie in with your company. Making this kind of design statement will reinforce what the visitor thinks of your company whenever you utilize patterns, lighting textures and different colors to emphasize your hallways.

Floor coverings for hallways are also special when they consist of not just a hallway but an entryway as well. After all that will be the important first impression a visitor will have of the inside of your building. An entrance hall is a high traffic area as are the hallways, thus make sure that the first impressions count heavily. Some companies have their logo placed right into their entryways, which certainly makes a nice impression.

Unfortunately hallways also suffer from the dirt and even mud that is brought into your offices. Thus be sure that the flooring choice is easy to clean, and can actually take the strain of that constant traffic. In addition do keep in mind that your flooring should not only be easy to maintain, but provide excellent slip resistance as well. Also even flooring needs to maintain elevated indoor air quality, thus do not use any product that has VOCs, also known as Volatile Organic Compounds.

Of all the floor coverings for hallways, chances are that you will find exactly what you need through Silikal. They are even the ones who can have your logo imprinted for you right into your flooring as mentioned above.


Floor Water Barrier Systems & The Dry Side of Flooring

A Floor Water Barrier Protection System For Your Business

A water barrier floor keeps the moisture top side for this employee, allowing easy management of cleaning duties.A floor water barrier system protects the underside of this car wash flooring by keeping moisture topside.

When some floors are cleansed, they are not really cleansed because they do not have a floor water barrier. Instead the dirty water seeps under the floor when it creates havoc. What kind of havoc? Well, things like molds and also all manner of bacteria. There it festers and grows, and the next day possibly more dirty water gets in there, just feeding the mold and bacteria. After a bit, odors seem to rise from the floor, even though it looks as clean as can be on the top, but the odors are seeping from under that floor. Remember the havoc? If the floor we are speaking of is in a restaurant, it’s even worse because now the floor is harboring little pieces of food waste, such as tiny little pieces of meat and fish and rotten eggs. Things could not be worse if we tried, right?

Well, perhaps after all, that particular floor could be in a gymnasium where human sweat is deposited on the floor and guess what? It too seeps under that floor that has no floor water barrier. Now, we are really disgusting. You all know what a gym smells like, right? Ugh!

Those responsible for cleaning those floors have worked all in vain, because there is no way that they can stop that dirty water from slipping under the floors they have tried to clean. Owners may even fire their cleaners, or spend huge amounts of money trying various cleansers, but the problem just keeps getting worse and worse.

What they need to do is to contact Silikal. Silikal will come to the establishment, whether it’s a restaurant, a food processor, or a gym and they will test the floor, only to find out that there are minute little cracks in it, or even pinholes that are allowing the dirty water to get underneath whatever their flooring is. Silikal will then give the owner of said establishment an estimate on a new Silikal floor. The owner will hear all about why Silikal will solve his problem.

You see, Silikal is a complete floor water barrier. There is no water that will ever seep under a Silikal floor, no matter what. At last, that floor that brought forth so much havoc will be able to remain totally hygienic. This means that there will no longer be those awful smells coming from the floor. In the gym, there will no longer be human sweat seeping to the underneath floor area, thus it too will smell great. The cleaning staff will be overjoyed, as the floor will now be so very easy to keep clean and fresh smelling.

How does Silikal do all this? Understand that Silikal is a state of the art, totally and completely seamless reactive resin floor system. There is no other flooring like it. What Silikal puts down is a completely pore free monolithic surface.


Concrete Floor Coating Material Finds New Innovation

Concrete Floor Coating Material: What Is Best for Your Floor?

A large factory plant floor sparkles clean with a new concrete floor coating material recently installed.A mustard hue floor coating material lightens this production factory concrete floor system.

If you currently have a new or even an old concrete floor, you may be seeking some kind of concrete floor coating material. There are many kinds, of course, and today such material comes in a plethora of colors so that whatever style you are seeking, you are bound to find it, and if you do not know what you desire, there are tons of interior designers, contractors and sub contractors who will also be glad to help. No matter what kind of concrete floor coating material you may have already heard of, shop around so that you get the right solution to your concrete floor coating needs.

You will receive all manner of truly industry proven recommendations. There will be some who wish for you to consider sealants and acrylic coatings, colored stains, stain sealers, concrete polishing as well as numerous epoxy coatings. Thus it can get confusing. You will need to call established companies, who have the correct technical know how, have the best customer support and thus can always deliver the best service available. Each company you call for an estimate should have as part of their goal, educating you as a customer, so that you will make the most informed decision possible as to which concrete floor coating material is going to be the best to meet your needs.

Do know that you will need an on site estimate? Do not let anyone tell you a ballpark figure over the phone or direct you to put what you need on the Internet yourself. Good business practice means that they will come to your location, actually be on time and act as professionals should. When you give them the go ahead, they should actually be sure to offer a secure and very clean work environment at all times.

Verify that all they claim about any product is as they say, and that it will do as promised. Call the Better Business Bureau and see if there are numerous complaints about either the product or the company. Whether you have an industrial or commercial flooring need, ask about protecting your concrete slab from contamination as well as deterioration. Ask also about the physical performance of the concrete floor coating material, the maintenance required, the chemical resistance it may have, and whether or not it will be non-skid. Look beyond their statements about wear and aesthetics, those are of the least importance, but do verify them. Finally no matter what kind of material you are seeking be sure and call upon Silikal. Chances are that’s whom you will hire, as they are simply the best!


Industrial Concrete Slabs In The Modern Age of Technology

Industrial Concrete Slabs & The Physical Demands They Endure

Industrial concrete slabs run throughout this large storage warehouse.Concrete slabs endure forklift abuse with the help of a new industrial floor coating in this large warehouse.

We here in the United States are surrounded by concrete. Everywhere we look in the cities, there are concrete slabs, and especially industrial concrete slabs. Concrete is concrete to those who are not in the flooring business or construction of some kind.

In industrial or commercial settings, concrete slabs ordinarily have some highly specialized requirements. These requirements may be based on the evenness or flatness that is essential in that particular industry. Concrete contractors have been especially trained to understand and know how to place as well as finish the concrete. Many industrial and commercial floors have special requirements for color, finish and of course hardness as well. Some specs ask for a troweled finish, some want surface densifiers, and many today want special colors, even a logo incorporated into the industrial concrete slabs.

Industrial and commercial floors today can be created on a grade or even suspended. When they construct one such as this, then they use some sort of metal decking. Usually this consists of corrugated sheet metal, but then it is all supported by the structural steel around it. Evenness and flatness is more difficult on these kinds of floors, thus it is even more important for the floor to receive some sort of leveling. Installing a self-leveling flooring system usually accomplishes this. Only Silikal puts out this astonishingly protective liquid leveler that also incorporates their reactive resin flakes, which lends an extreme attractiveness to its amazing functionality.

It is amazingly functional because Silikal protection gives ultimate protection to industrial concrete slabs by being totally non-slip when it is integrated with a Silikal concrete sealer. In addition it is functional because Silikal can stop static shock as well as electrocution, which means that you can have total industrial antistatic safety. Further, any Silikal flooring is a totally seamless, monolithic surface. Thus it is always pore-free, which means that not even water can ever penetrate the surface. Imagine, if you will, that this one fact will prevent penetration and therefore any corruption to your floor or your substrate.

Best yet, is the fact that only Silikal sets up or cures in less than one hour. This means that your industrial concrete slabs can be fully protected without having to shut down your business overnight or even for 48 hours as many other industrial concrete slab finishes require, and then they do not deliver half the benefits that Silikal does!