Your Assembly Line Flooring Answer
Silikal® Nationwide Flooring- 888.830.1404
Silikal assembly line flooring is deemed necessary if heavy tools will be dropped onto the floor.
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An assembly line floor is usually bright in color so that workers can more clearly see their work.
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Environments such as an assembly line require assembly line floors that are intensely durable for such work areas.
Picture in your mind’s eye what assembly line flooring would look like for a moment. You may very well have seen an automobile assembly line, where perhaps welding was taking place, thus you saw sparks glowing and making their way to the floor. You saw divergent tools being utilized to put those automobiles together, and being human some of those workers, no matter how good they are, may have dropped large tools onto the floor with a resounding clang. Further down the assembly line, you may well have seen grease guns being used to grease various working parts of that automobile that is making its way down the assembly line. Once more the assembly line flooring is receiving some kind of punishment, in this case spattered grease that flows from those grease guns onto the automobile parts and perhaps some of that grease drips onto the floor.
Now, imagine assembly line flooring that can withstand the sparks, the large dropped tools, as well as the grease that is bound to make it down to the flooring. That kind of flooring would be downright magnificent, correct? After all that flooring would have to be completely safe, fire proof, ecologically friendly, water-proof, and very definitely anti-skid. In addition it would have to be monolithic, so that absolutely nothing could enter under that flooring. Still that’s not enough, it would have to be strong enough to endure those dropped tools, and even be able to withstand the enormous pressure that the automobile would put onto the floor once it rolled off the assembly line.
At this point, many would scratch their heads and wonder what kind of floor could actually take all that? And then, to top it all off the owner of the assembly line flooring would want it to last a lifetime, just to make things a bit more interesting.
There you have it, the unanswerable prayer to assembly line flooring. But wait, there is such assembly line flooring, and its name is Silikal. It was created by Germans years and years ago, and eventually began to be successfully sold all over Europe. Ultimately it made its way to many different countries, and today it has a terrific stronghold in Canada and the United States as well.
Silikal was actually engineered by those working for Silikal, such as their scientists and their engineers. They worked carefully with a product that was composed of methacrylic acid esters, which happen to be the main components found in what most flooring companies utilize methyl methacrylate or MMA for short. However those engineers and scientists did not stop there, they decided that regular MMA had problems associated with it. The fact was that MMA will form naturally occurring pin holes in the flooring, and those pin holes unfortunately allow dirt of all kinds to insinuate itself under the flooring. That insinuation caused the flooring to begin to fall apart, not quickly mind you, but ever so slowly, and finally it could no longer be strong enough to endure those dropped tools, and even be able to withstand the enormous pressure that the automobile would put onto the floor once it rolled off the assembly line. It could not withstand the soldering or the grease either. Thus they created enhanced Silikal which is now the king of assembly line flooring.