Keep the Childern Safe and Healthy With Our Daycare Flooring
Silikal® Nationwide Flooring- 888.830.1404
When Silikal installs daycare flooring the owners can be assured that it will be trouble-free cleaning that keeps them pristine for a lifetime.
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Daycare floors require them to be straight forwardly clean, immaculate and uncomplicated to maintain them that way.
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Floors for daycare must not allow accidents with the children to leak under any of its flooring lest it create a home for bacteria to form.
Mention daycare flooring to anyone not involved in daycare, and their first reaction may be to consider some kind of rubber flooring. That’s fine and good to prevent the “boo boos” that may occur after a fall in a daycare situation, but apparently those people have not thought daycare flooring completely through.
For instance there are the amounts of spills involved in any day of daycare, and all of it ends up on daycare flooring. Where it goes from there completely depends on the type of flooring that can be found in that daycare center. Since those involved in daycare frequently have to “pretend” with their young charges, let’s pretend that we can swoop under various rubber tile flooring used for daycare flooring. Should this be possible, chances are that we’d be in for a very rude awakening? All that spilled milk, juices, vomit and yes even urine will have found a way of getting underneath the rubber flooring, and there it has festered joining with any microbes and bacteria possible and now it has turned into something rather ruthless such as perhaps staph germs or any of the multiple varieties of molds available to modern science.
Those who run daycare centers are only too aware of the description given above, and thus various daycares have turned to linoleum instead. It is so unfortunate that the seams found in linoleum will allow the exact same problem to eventually present itself.
Attention then turns to perhaps ceramic tile. Very hard on the young bodies that fall on it, but more importantly is the grout that will be used to join as well as adhere that tile. Grout is unfortunately very porous, and once more that disgusting image will crop up.
Perhaps in desperation the daycare center owner will then turn to urethane flooring. There may not even be a difference to the eye of better flooring. As unfortunate as it seems, the urethane flooring will also begin to fail. The more rigid systems will undoubtedly begin to crack and crumble leaving behind quite a mess.
We now move onto a product known as Silikal. Silikal is always monolithic, and will never develop the pin holes found in lesser flooring. In addition, Silikal will be rendered slip proof for your daycare, and Silikal is renowned as being the best long lasting flooring available. Silikal flooring is always heavy duty, and has been known to withstand locales such as tractor repair shops, as well as chemical laboratories, thus it can definitely withstand whatever a daycare can dish out. Silikal flooring is so sanitary that it is utilized in many sanitary locations, such as in commercial kitchens, catering establishments and even food processors and beverage bottling because it is highly trusted. Thus imagine the temperature shocks given to those floors from hot water washes, the punishment the floors receive from heavy fork lift trucks, and then imagine all the corrosive products that are loosed on the same floors that will be used for your daycare flooring? Consequently once more it is perfect for daycare flooring.