Hangar Floor Coating
Silikal® Nationwide Flooring- 888.830.1404
The Silikal brand of hangar floor coating has graced innumerable hangars worldwide, if only because it truly is the best available.
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Floor coating for a hangar will need to not only be monolithic, but also able to withstand hot tires, deicing chemicals and even the occasional jet fuel spill.
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Coating a hangar floor requires the very best products as the floor needs to weather various aviation chemicals, jet fuel, mechanical abrasion and also heavy loads.
Small aircraft today are kept in very nice hangars, totally unlike the aircraft of yesteryear that was housed in dark and dingy hangars, if old movies tell the truth. New designs in an available hangar floor coating are what has made hangars change their look, but if you are searching for hangar floor coating, you may find yourself rather bewildered. Which is best? Is polished concrete the way to go? Should one consider urethane or epoxy? Which will protect against any flooring damage? What about chemical erosion?
Of course if you are seeking hangar floor coating, you should consider which coating will bring you the greatest abrasion resistance, after all a hangar goes through tremendous heavy traffic loads. As for aesthetics, many hangars have started out looking great, but in a short time their floor coating has turned dingy and taken on a yellow appearance. What was once a vivid and sparkling surface that permitted everyone to effortlessly make out parts or liquids on the hangar floor has changed due to ultraviolet degradation. A hangar floor coating needs to be as totally slip resistant as possible also, but not all coatings are truly slip resistant.
One of the most hazardous spills in aircraft maintenance is unfortunately hydraulic fuel. Beware of a hangar floor coating that would allow such a spill to contaminate the concrete via pinholes in your hangar floor coating! In addition, today’s aircraft contains highly sensitive equipment, thus some want their hangar floors to be static dissipative or totally anti-static.
A truly world renowned hangar floor coating available for those seeking such, is Silikal which is considered the very best. You see, Silikal easily takes care of the problems associated with hot tires, snow and ice coming off the aircraft, as well as protecting the floor from ever suffering ultraviolet degradation. This hangar floor coating is pristine in dazzling ultra-bright beauty yet can repel even hydraulic fuel and defer any chemical erosion potential without ever suffering damage to the floor.
Anyone who has a hangar in need of a hangar floor coating will find that Silikal performs exceedingly well with aircraft chemicals and even jet fuel. However, with Silikal, they also find that it affords them the added foundation of enhanced light reflectivity that absolutely cannot be beat! Hangar owners are thrilled to find that Silikal has finally put a stop to premature repairs or replacements for their hangar floor coating!