Seamless Flooring
Silikal® Nationwide Flooring- 888.830.1404
No matter what industry or commercial use you wish to have seamless flooring for, you can’t beat Silikal for how long it will wear, or how beautiful it will remain.
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Seamless flooring is always a tremendous advantage as nothing will ever seep under it to damage the flooring beneath.
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Seamless flooring is not just nice to have; it is an essential for restaurants, operation rooms, and even veterinary clinics.
Seamless flooring is being offered by a ton of different companies out there. The problem is of course which seamless company to believe in. What is referred to as resinous flooring is commonly applied when a seamless floor is essential. For example seamless flooring will be utilized in commercial kitchens, garages of all types, various manufacturing uses, and of course anywhere that concerns the medical field. The reasons are of course that a seamless floor is hygienic, and its ease of cleaning is legendary. In addition most of today’s seamless resinous flooring features tremendous abrasion resistance, thermal resistance, as well as being able to resist a plethora of chemicals. Resinous flooring may be comprised of urethane concrete, urethane, epoxy or polyaspartic, and finally MMA. The aesthetics of each of these needs to be taken in consideration, as well as the costs, durability and if chemical resistance is truly necessary.
Further, the user needs to weigh the requirements of the use of such flooring. For instance do they need a truly smooth composition, as a television studio would, or are they seeking for some kind of aggregate to be introduced onto the flooring? This aggregate may be necessary because some kind of grease will make it to the floor, as in some kitchens, some garages and similarly encountered needs. Or they may need to make sure the flooring is non-slippery as around swimming pools, exercise rooms, or anywhere where water will make its way onto the floor.
For those not familiar with flooring aggregate it may be silica that is comprised of minerals such as agate, flint, sand or quartz. Such an aggregate is also utilized to increase the impact resistance of the floor.
Another flooring aggregate that is commonly utilized is quartz. Quartz flooring will actually consist of epoxy coated silica. It would appear that all manner of resins are combined with the silica to create truly workable flooring for such locales as institutions, public bathrooms, commercial kitchens, and even veterinary offices and animal shelters.
Seamless flooring is sometimes created in such a manner as to be very aesthetically pleasing and an array of colors are added to the flooring consisting of brightly colored, randomly shaped flakes that are broadcast onto the floor prior to curing. Once utilized almost solely on garage flooring, today many of the seamless applications with flakes have found their way into nightclubs, restaurant kitchens, and often in medical locales.
Potential users should be aware that simple epoxy flooring will not do if the floor will be subject to thermal shock, UV exposure, or chemical attacks. It is also not recommended if there will be severe duty service, such as the use of forklifts, tremendous foot traffic or some other duties where durability is going to be challenged. The same can be said of a top coating of urethane, though it does rather well with chemical attack such as that found where acids, caustics or even petroleum may be regularly spilled on the flooring.
Finally there is the product created by Silikal, which is an enhanced MMA. Read all the pros above, and they apply to Silikal for it is the only “lifetime” flooring of all!